Ya está aquí la 1.6... 1.6.2... 1.6.3... 1.6.4... !!!!

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Registrado: 29 Dic 2010, 17:06


yo escribió:

1.6.5 para mañana :D

Pues eso...


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Registrado: 08 Ene 2011, 12:45


A este paso, sacan la 1.7

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Registrado: 13 Nov 2010, 16:11


Notch el de Mojang escribió:

Minecraft Beta 1.6.5
There are some annoying bed bugs in multiplayer in this version, I’ll fix those next week.

Así que la semana que viene tendremos 1.6.6 y esperemos que sea la última 1.6.

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Registrado: 12 Feb 2011, 17:22


Personalmente las hubiera llamado 1.6_0X, ya que suena más a bugfixing que 1.6.X.
Si os habeis fijado, ha quitado el número de la versión in-game, ahora sólo se ve en la pantalla de inicio. Notch se debería sentir avergonzado por haberla cagado tanto, almenos regalarnos una cosita nueva... ¿pistones?

[html]<iframe frameborder="0" src="https://itch.io/embed/273009?linkback=true" width="552" height="167"></iframe>[/html]

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Registrado: 12 Dic 2010, 01:38


Mira que adelantarse de esa manera a sacar la 1.6 y empezar a corregir bugs de esta manera...Ya me veo sin catar la 1.6 :/

Mensajes: 1774
Registrado: 12 Abr 2011, 19:55


??? ???

yo lo que me pregunto es que todos esos nuevos bugs reportados y apuntados en el historico de revisiones:

lo va arreglando en sucesivos parches, porque si no es asi.... me temo lo peor.

Alguien sabe algo sobre ello, o los deja alli para futuros parches o cuando ya este todo implementado, entonces se dedicara a reparar toda esa cantidad de bugs

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Registrado: 30 Oct 2010, 14:40


dBuxo escribió:
Notch el de Mojang escribió:

Minecraft Beta 1.6.5
There are some annoying bed bugs in multiplayer in this version, I’ll fix those next week.

Así que la semana que viene tendremos 1.6.6 y esperemos que sea la última 1.6.

No, llegaremos a la ;D Para el Nether al menos xD

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Mensajes: 393
Registrado: 24 Abr 2011, 15:54


Notch tiene infinitos números a elegir antes de la 1.7, asin que...
Ah, unos datos interesantes:

Fixes: 99 New bugs: 22

Fixes: 1 New bugs: 0

Fixes: 1 New bugs: 15

Fixes: 3 New bugs: 2

Fixes: 2 New bugs: 31

Sacado de un foro.

Última edición por Hector_Mateo el 29 May 2011, 15:01, editado 1 vez en total.


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Registrado: 30 Oct 2010, 14:40


ObiJuan escribió:

I Ley de Obi sobre las actualizaciones de Minecraft: "Cuando notch arregla una nube, se jode una oveja."

II Ley de Obi sobre las actualizaciones de Minecraft: "Cuando notch arregla la oveja, se jode un árbol."

III Ley de Obi sobre las actualizaciones de Minecraft: "Cuando notch arregla el árbol, se jode la lava, el agua, las flores, los bloques, los medios bloques y la nube primera."

Corolario: "Si la mayoria de cosas funcionan salvo una que es sacrificable, notch, mamón, no toques."

Si es que... ¿Pa qué toca?

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Registrado: 24 Abr 2011, 15:54


En la 1.6.6 las ovejas podrán volar y los cerdos te atacarán a modo zombie, rompiendo además bloques por el camino. Es el típico epic bug :D


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Registrado: 13 Nov 2010, 16:11


La lista de nuevos bugs de la 1.6.5 es para ponerse a llorar:

New Bugs:
Memory leaks.[citation needed]
Setting Framerate Limit to 40 FPS may increase CPU usage on some computers.[1]
Difficulty may revert to "Easy" when you load a save, at least when you had it previously on "Peaceful."
Respawn after death results in being stuck until breaking block below. Does not occur at all spawn points.
Beds have numerous issues in SMP; players may sleep during night, but nothing will happen as the game thinks you're trying to sleep. This allows the player to sleep and walk freely at the same time. When all players are asleep, a few seconds later the game teleports you back to the bed and the normal post-sleeping effect will occur.
Setting view-distance=7 (or lower) in server.properties causes part of the maps (item) to revert. [2]
In SMP, sometimes when entering the World from the Nether, the sky will remain red.
Minecarts stopped on E/W powered rail will not bounce off one another, but they will on N/S powered rail.
On unlit powered rail as part of a track which terminates at a solid block to the North or to the East, a minecart can be shoved off of the track directly into the block, by a player or by another minecart, as shown in this minecart station.
If you shift click an item into a full chest, the client will not crash, but the server must be restarted to activate any further containers. (?)
Sometimes when trying to lie down on a bed, it fails and removes one half of a heart in SMP.
Shadows sometimes do not update.
Shift-clicking to receive items from crafting doesn't count towards items crafted in your statistics.
Walking in a corner in certain circumstances results in falling in the next block (tested on leaves).
You cannot place redstone on TNT anymore.

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Alec White
Mensajes: 881
Registrado: 10 Dic 2010, 20:45


dBuxo escribió:

La lista de nuevos bugs de la 1.6.5 es para ponerse a llorar:

New Bugs:
Memory leaks.[citation needed]
Setting Framerate Limit to 40 FPS may increase CPU usage on some computers.[1]
Difficulty may revert to "Easy" when you load a save, at least when you had it previously on "Peaceful."
Respawn after death results in being stuck until breaking block below. Does not occur at all spawn points.
Beds have numerous issues in SMP; players may sleep during night, but nothing will happen as the game thinks you're trying to sleep. This allows the player to sleep and walk freely at the same time. When all players are asleep, a few seconds later the game teleports you back to the bed and the normal post-sleeping effect will occur.
Setting view-distance=7 (or lower) in server.properties causes part of the maps (item) to revert. [2]
In SMP, sometimes when entering the World from the Nether, the sky will remain red.
Minecarts stopped on E/W powered rail will not bounce off one another, but they will on N/S powered rail.
On unlit powered rail as part of a track which terminates at a solid block to the North or to the East, a minecart can be shoved off of the track directly into the block, by a player or by another minecart, as shown in this minecart station.
If you shift click an item into a full chest, the client will not crash, but the server must be restarted to activate any further containers. (?)
Sometimes when trying to lie down on a bed, it fails and removes one half of a heart in SMP.
Shadows sometimes do not update.
Shift-clicking to receive items from crafting doesn't count towards items crafted in your statistics.
Walking in a corner in certain circumstances results in falling in the next block (tested on leaves).
You cannot place redstone on TNT anymore.



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Registrado: 16 Mar 2011, 19:42


dBuxo escribió:

If you shift click an item into a full chest, the client will not crash, but the server must be restarted to activate any further containers.

No sé si lo he entendido bien. Entonces, ¿si estoy llenando un cofre con Shift+Click y llega un momento en que intento meter más cuando está lleno, creo un bug que evita colocar y usar nuevos cofres por parte de cualquier otro user y hay que reiniciar el server? Por favor, que alguien que lo haya entendido mejor me lo explique, porque no le veo el sentido...

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Registrado: 06 Feb 2011, 23:11


Meanwhile at Mojang:


Que descojone con los bugs xD


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Registrado: 18 Dic 2010, 17:07


Retiblanc escribió:

Meanwhile at Mojang:


Que descojone con los bugs xD

*Ira homicida sobrepasando los limites

T R A E D M E    A    N O T C H
