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Actualizaciones, versiones y noticias

Publicado: 20 Abr 2013, 12:22
por efeyabel

Las traducciones no son precisas y mucho menos completas.

FTB ultimate modpack 1.0.2:
OFICIAL (ingles)


Advanced Solar Panels by SeNtiMel: 3.3.3 - 3.3.4

3 new Solar Helmets (Advanced Solar Helmet , Hybrid Solar Helmet, Ultimate Solar Helmet)
Reverted to old recipe of Advanced Solar Panel. It can be re-enabled in the config
Visual indication working mode of Quantum Generator and also replaced old textures

Solar Panels not emitting energy if power loss in cable more than 5 eu
Bug with shift mouse click in charging slots and charging electric device
Applied Energistics by AlgorithmX2: 9.b - 9.i

Added options to disable Adv-Eletrical tools
Crafting Terminal can no longer extract items when not powered. but it can still be used as a basic crafting interface
Version Checker now will not continue to check on quick repeated launches
Restored speed of buses

Several Peformance improvements for large networks
Fixed a crash related to RP2 Frames
Fixed a crash related to LargeDrives
Fixed bug with Drives
Added Exception Catching for other mods in a few places
Fixed bug where quartz knife could be duplicated using the repair recipe, they can no longer be repaired
Fixed a bug where Adv Eletrical tools could be repaired
Fixed a bug with the new version of IC2, and crafting some items that yielded different items then were displayed
Fixed a bug where Preformatter would lose information about items when they are being encoded
Fixed a bug where the Crafting Monitor would not properly cancel a job
Fixed "require power" flag not working properly

BiblioCraft by Nuchaz: 1.1.0 - 1.1.2

The Tape Measure. Simply right click a block to start a measurement, than right click another block to measure the distance, in blocks

If a player is holding a piece of armor in their hand, they can place it on the armor stand by right clicking the stand with the armor
Player can now shift-click from armor stand to player-armor inventory and from player inventory to player armor inventory if stand is full
Shelf will now only display the top center piece of wood if a block is above it, otherwise, the top of the shelf is flat
Right clicking on the side or top of a shelf will open the GUI, even if the players hands are full.

Armor stand should be compatible for more mods e.g. DivineRPG

GraviSuite by SeNtiMel: 1.7 - 1.8

Advanced NanoChestPlate. Comes with Integrated with jetpack and lap/batpack capabilities
Added disable accurate mode of vajra in config files to help with griefing on servers
Added Forge Ore Dict support. Now you can use copper, superconductor from other mods (like as GregTech)
Gravitool now works as a BuildCraft wrench and a RedPower Screwdriver
Advanced Diamond Drill and Advanced Chainsaw are much faster
Ultimate Solar helmet has been disabled due to it being added into Advanced Solar Panels, can be converted by placing it in crafting table as it will be removed in a later update

GregTech by GregoriousT: 2.81a - 2.90h

Added the functional Fusion Reactor
All old Reactors will convert into a Fusion Computer and are no longer craftable.
Added Shelfes to store Books, Paper and Food Cans! Guess who gave me the Idea to do that. (remembers a minor Texture Bug when leftclicking it too often...)
Added 3 more decorative Storages (note, that their mainpurpose is DECORATION and NOT Storage). You can craft them in a shapeless Recipe of the Metal encased Shelf.
Added the "Grindable-Only" Mode of the Type-Sorter (The Ore with the Gear on it), as not all Ores are really grindable ahem XyChorium ahem
Added Wildcard-Damagevalue Mode for the regular Sorter. Just rightclick the Item.
Added Plate Bending Machine also known as Bender. It can convert Ingots to Plates.
Added Circuit Assembling Machine. It is a Device, which produces regular Circuits cheaper, and is also a requirement for most of the higher Tier Circuits
Added the Printer! A Device which can basically copy writable/written Books by inserting a Book, an Ink Sack and the Book you wanna Copy. It can also craft Books from 3 Paper and a Leather.
Added a Button to the GUIs of Basic Machines, which is enabling you to switch between Sided-Input and non-Sided-Input.
Added several Circuit Parts to the Scrapboxdrops.
Added some missing Insulation-Recipes to the Assembler.
Added alternate Generator Recipes.
Added the possibility to dye Stuff inside the printer. Railcrafts Metal Posts, Rockwool, Wool and basically everything what can be dyed by surrounding a Dye with 8 Identical blocks or by shapelessly crafting one thing together with Dye
Added the possibility to use the Printer to create Paper from Canes and Pulp.
Added a few Tooltips to make people aware of some useful Features.
Added Flour (macerated Wheat, which can be cooked into Bread), got that Idea from AE, however my Recipe is more balanced in comparsion to Carrots and Potatoes (you get one Bread per Wheat).
Added some Recipes, and made Sensor Kits now Craftable inside the Assembler (it's cheaper too!).
Added tons of moreless funny/useful Tooltips for my Machines/Items
Added MJ Support for Energy Consuming Machines. No, Buffers won't output any MJ and the MJ is never getting converted to EU! Rate is the standard 2.5EU:1MJ
Added a few Railcraft related Recipes.
Added Ingots for Thorium and Plutonium.
Added new Upgrade System. Just rightclick your Machines with the Upgrade you wanna insert.
Added a few Upgrades.
Added portable Scanner.

Nerfed the Matter Fabricator to a maximum of 8192EU/t instead of 1000000, unless the regular Massfab is enabled.
Changed a few Recipes. Windmills and Watermills are now made in the Assembler.
Changed the Texture of the Advanced Safe, to look more safely. (what a pun)
I changed tons of Crafting Recipes, including Mixed Metal Ingots, Dense Copper Plates and almost every Machine. I won't add any Config to revert that massive change!
Compasses and Clocks are now craftable inside an Assembler.
Copying of Maps inside the printer is now possible (I know you can still craft copies, but hey! A printer is so much cooler)
Creating Maps inside a printer with compass and 8 Paper is now also possible.
Changed MMIngot Recipes.
Broke old Advanced Configs completly by letting OreDictUnification run over the ItemNames (its now much better readable)
UUM-Recipes now use the Advanced Config. Some Recipes have been slightly changed, and the Snowlayers got removed due to the upcoming 1.5-Update making them craftable.
Changed Plutonium and Thorium Cells, now using the multipulse System (and nerfed Thorium by 50% Lifetime).

Fixed the Sorters connecting and disconnecting to the E-net every single tick.
Fixed Recycling options for Cobble (seems IC² doesnt check for wildcard Values) and added several other things like Glass Buttons, Pipes (also Sandstone Pipes) or similar to the List.
Fixed Holoslots, which dont have a Click handling, to cause crashes (i.e. clicking in Electrolyzer on the Water Icon).
Fixed OreDict-Unification-API not associating certain Ore Strings before postload happens. That Bug was happening due to my switch from stupid Listscanner to ultrafast Double-Hashmap (of which, one Map didnt have the Name of the Ore).
Fixed my wrong usage of splitStack(1), as I didnt look at its sideeffects (decreasing the size of the original Stack).
Fixed NEI-Recipe-Transfer-Rect in some of the Auto-Machines. I will have to ask mistaqur for the Names of the Recipe handlers for Macerator, Extractor, Compressor, Furnace and so on.
Fixed "Item-Output-Mode" of Basic Machines not being Saved, and so resetting to enabled all the time.
Fixed the Energy Bar in the Fusion Reactor.

MineFactory Reloaded by powercrystals: 2.2.0 - 2.3.2

UE power support
BioReactor, BioFuel Generator, and BioFuel liquid (compatible with Forestry BioFuel)
Upgrades (available for Planter, Harvester, Fertilizer, and Sewer).
Single-Use Safari Nets
Safari Net Launcher
Safari Nets can be fired by dispensers (note that the net will be unrecoverable right now)
AutoSpawner exact mode
Decorative bricks
TwilightForest support

Auto-Enchanter can re-enchant items
Conveyors are placable on "partially solid" blocks like microblock covers
Conveyors carry XP orbs
Items on conveyors cannot be grabbed by players
Items dropped by MFR machines have a 1s delay before players can pick them up
AutoSpawner idle time reduced to normal
ItemRouter can grab items off conveyors placed on top if they have a valid route
Harvester default tree area increased
Harvester CPU usage significantly lowered in tree mode
Added config to make roads not slippery
Planter now assigns its stacks to relative subsections of its areas, enabling more diverse farms

multiple Item Router problems
LiquiCrafter (sorry!)
AutoJukebox GUI
Auto-Enchanter has a max of one enchantment on books
Possible fix for Safari Net duplication glitch in MCPC+ (unconfirmed)
DSU issues with AE
Multiple issues with BC power input
AutoSpawner not requiring mob essence to function
Unifier behaving weirdly with non-dictionary items
NBT data being deleted by items contained in MFR machines when they were destroyed
Road Lights connect to wires
Ranching Mooshrooms generating milk items
Item Router and Ejector firing into the air if the target inventory was full
Various Creative tab and NEI mismatches

Modular Powersuits by MachineMuse: 0.3.0-178 - 0.3.2-199

Added buildcraft energy to auto-gen config and bumped version for recommended
Railgun prototype added
Added solar panel recipe for thermex
Added Atomic Science API and hazmat modules
Added airborne check to kinetic generator
Added some new interfaces and moved Sprint Assist to them

Final version of Citizen Joe Style
UE Multimeter now depends on UE...
made auto-feeder sensible
clarified radiation protection tooltip
changed powertool scaling again
changed blink drive to use raytracing and be instant
Migrated some modules
Removed vestiges of blink drive bolts

Fix for cheap steel plates exploit
Better handling of modules disabled in config
multiplayer fix
fixed raytracing completely
made raytracing more sensible and multiplayer compatible
added fix for keybinds duping

Mystcraft by X.1CompWiz 0.10.0 - 0.10

Adds the Oil symbol if another mod provides such a liquid (in block form)

Increases Nausea instability req.
Allows dropping lots of paper into the binder at once
Can place single or multiple pages using standard left-/right-click interactions
Changes default world provider id
Notebook gui element in desk reflects actual inventory order
Page Surface and Slider elements allow for left and right click many vs single interaction
Pages stack to 16
Points piping systems at leather slot on binder

Adds air pocket above age spawn platform
Correctly unregisters symbols if they are replaced
Fixes /time command help and failure text
Fixes an issue with item validity checks not handling null itemstacks
Fixes book gui not closing on entity death/pickup
Fixes decay itemstack names
Fixes desk dropping invalid extra items when broken with silk touch
Fixes desk not always draining vials/accepting ink
Fixes desk not draining "consumable" containers
Fixes Eternal Storm ages acruing snow and lacking lightning
Fixes infinite leather bug in binder
Fixes infinite paper bug in desk
Fixes issue with empty gradient sunset
Fixes issue with pages in notebooks in tabs not updating immediately
Fixes issue with trying to get a block from the block descriptor list creating a modifier with an instability mod
Fixes issue with unvisited ages from old saves getting symbols twice
Fixes issues with new pages not stacking correctly
Fixes minor and self repairing issue with old Fog colors remapping badly
Fixes page surface slider grabbing
Fixes parsing of TPX command
Minor fix to handling of liquid containers in desk
NEI Spawned notebook no longer has issues with renaming
Prevents crash if data file matches agedata filename format but does not provide valid dim id
Prevents crash on biomes with null name (logs error)

Thaumic Bees by Mysterious Ages: 1.4.3a - 1.4.4a

Added Nuggets - Iron, Copper, Tin, Silver, Lead. Should craft into 1st ore dictionary ingot of appropriate type.
Added Shards - Diamond, Emerald.
Added 15 new bees. Have fun~ <3
Added Equivalent Exchange 3 compatability!
New frame type! Search Strongholds for them.

Made greatwood & silverwood planks fireproof by default - added a config option to toggle it.
Removed hard dependency on Thaumcraft 3 to run TB. TB now only requires Forestry to run, will remove TC3-specific items and provide alternate crafting recipes for those that do not.
Thaumium Grafter now doubles your chance to get Greatwood & Silverwood saplings.
Thaumium Grafter now takes extra damage when trying to break Greatwood & Silverwood leaves.
Thaumium Grafter now has a balancing feature when repairing.
Greatwood & Silverwood planks support BuildCraft facades.
Tweaking Aura cost for Repair on Thaumium Grafters and other balance

A grandes rasgos:

-Añadida safari net (antes bugeada)
-Añadidos briks decorativos (antes desabilitados por bugs)
-Añadido compatibilidad entre mods

Modular Powersuits
-Añadido Railgun prototipe
-Añadido interfaz nueva
-¿Arreglado autofedder?
-Fix's destinados al multijugador multiples

-Añadido pagina oil
-Ahora es mas dificil que salga nausea
-Paginas stakeables(16)
-Multiples bugs fixeados

Thaumic Bees
-15 abejas nuevas
-Nuevos shards
-Nuevos nugets
-Compatibilidad EE3
-Nuevo frame

Advanced Solar Panels
-Añadido casco de panel avanzado, hybrido y ultimate
-Revertida, receta normal de los paneles avanzados

Applied Energistics
-Añadida una opcion para desactivas Adv-Electrical tools
-Buxfixed varios

-Añadido algo que no comprendu
-Mas compatibilidad con el armor stand

-Añadido nanochestplate con jecpack y batpack

-(explosion mental de efe)

PD: añadido que me faltaban muchos cambios

Re:Actualizaciones, versiones y noticias

Publicado: 20 Abr 2013, 12:31
por robertoccu

Es aún para la 1.4.7? O es ya la 1.5.1?

Re:Actualizaciones, versiones y noticias

Publicado: 20 Abr 2013, 12:44
por efeyabel
robertoccu escribió:

Es aún para la 1.4.7? O es ya la 1.5.1?


En respuesta:

Problemillas con el Redpower y el ftb

Algunos habreis ya oido algo, el equipo de desaroyo del ftb tiene problemas con un mod: Redpower2.
¿que son estos problemas?
El creador del mod no trabaja a la velocidad correcta, abandona el mod y no permite que otras personas lo compatibilizen.
NADIE quiere que desaparezca el Redpower2 pero la creadora no quiere/o no le da la gana/o lo dejo demasiado el mod.
¿que dice el ftb?
Que no quieren quitarlo, asi que de momento esperaran, incluso esperaran hasta la 1.6 si es necesario, ademas se añadira un nuevo mod: tinkers cobntruction.
Pero mientras tanto saldra un abeta sobre una version 1.5 que intentara sustituir al redpower2 pero no sera definitiva. Esta beta esta orientada a los jugadores que no juegan el multijugador, aunque sera 100% compatible y con el minimo de bugs para multijugador, ademas traera el Tinkers ya puesto.

Re:Actualizaciones, versiones y noticias

Publicado: 20 Abr 2013, 13:11
por Elthagrim

Conclusiones y opinion personal: '-'

-Mientras el pack se mantenga en la 1.4.7 actualizar no dara muchos problemas y traera muchos beneficios.

-Jugar en la 1.5.x es inviable sin un reset, y empezar en un mapa nuevo.

Re:Actualizaciones, versiones y noticias

Publicado: 20 Abr 2013, 13:30
por Datzu

Gracias por las notes.

Re:Actualizaciones, versiones y noticias

Publicado: 20 Abr 2013, 16:08
por efeyabel

Parece que no seria ningun inconveniente actualizar, y sobre el tema de la 1.5.x va para muchoooo tiempo, asi que tranquilos.

Re:Actualizaciones, versiones y noticias

Publicado: 20 Abr 2013, 16:13
por dB

La autora del redpower ya se ha puesto con la actualización a la 1.5.

Re:Actualizaciones, versiones y noticias

Publicado: 20 Abr 2013, 16:16
por efeyabel
dB escribió:

La autora del redpower ya se ha puesto con la actualización a la 1.5.
